• The Agreement with InDigita is not a fixed-term agreement.
    • Since good organic rankings take time to achieve, InDigita suggests a minimum of 12 months for SEO services.
    • The client acknowledges that Google rankings are determined by factors beyond the control of InDigita. Third-party search engines have unknown variable, algorithmic, and indexing criteria that can change at any point in time.
    • The SEO methods used by InDigita are ethical, legitimate and meet accepted standards to improve a website’s search engine ranking – no duplicate content, no invisible text, no re-directs, no dishonest or unreliable methods will be used during this Agreement.
    • InDigita Marketing Department shall provide their exact keywords, phrases and the web pages they intend to optimise in writing (email).
    • InDigita concentrates its efforts on Google since it is recognised as the most popular search engine in the world.
    • InDigita offers advice, information, and technical services related to Search Engine Advertising/Marketing in order to help the client reach their online advertising goals. InDigita does not guarantee any particular return on investment or return on performance on any online advertising (including, but not limited to, any particular ranking or search results page). InDigita cannot be held responsible for the results of the Internet marketing or management of a client’s search engine optimisation.
    • As a condition of the SEO Proposal, the client warrants that they will use InDigita’s services for business-related purposes (and not for personal, domestic or household purposes).
    • It is impossible for InDigita to control the policies of search engines regarding the type of sites and/or content that they accept now or in the future. Search engines and directories may exclude a client’s website/s at any time, at their sole discretion.
    • Upon agreement with these terms, the client also agrees to specific terms and agreements specific to the product or service offered, as stated in the proposal.
    • As stated above, certain packages offered by InDigita, do not provide immediate results, so a minimum period is recommended.
    • A strict code of confidentiality applies to all fees, services, documents, recommendations, and reports.
    • InDigita does not guarantee #1 positions or consistently top ten (10) positions for any particular keyword, phrase, or search term due to the competitive nature of some keywords and phrases, on-going changes in search engine ranking algorithms.
    • New websites (or pages) are often hindered from ranking until they have proven their viability for more than six (6) months. This is known as “Google’s Sandbox”. As a result of Google Sandbox penalties, InDigita assumes no responsibility for rankings, traffic, or indexing issues.
    • Search engines may occasionally remove listings for no apparent or foreseeable cause. Without any additional SEO, the listing will frequently reappear. InDigita will re-optimise the website or page/s depending on the current policies of the search engine in issue if a listing is dropped and does not resurface within thirty (30) days.
    • Without previous consultation, InDigita assumes no duty for the client’s decision to link to or receive a link from any particular website.
    • InDigita maintains the right to use the success of the client’s campaign(s) for its own marketing in the future. InDigita, on the other hand, will not share any of the client’s personal information with any third parties. As a result, any such personal information will be handled as completely confidential.
    • This proposal will be governed by the laws of the Republic of South Africa. 
    • Unless otherwise noted, all costs are payable in advance.
    • All invoices exclude VAT.
    • Before InDigita begins the SEO services stated in the SEO Proposal, the client agrees to pay the initial setup fee in full. 
    • InDigita will send out invoices on the 15th of every month.
    • The client agrees to pay the invoice by the 5th of the following month.
    • The client’s SEO services will be halted if the payment does not appear in InDigita’s account by the 7th.
    • If either InDigita or the client decides to terminate the SEO services, they must provide a calendar month’s written notice.
    • All amounts owed to InDigita must be paid in full upon cancellation requests. Within 7 business days of cancellation, any outstanding fees must be paid to InDigita.
    • Should any invoices remain unpaid 60 days or more after cancellation, InDigita reserves the right to hire a debt collector at the client’s expense.
    • Annual price increase: Our fiscal year runs from 1 January  to 31 December, and every year on January 1st, we will implement a typical pricing increase. The specifics of the increase will be communicated to our clients. 
    • For best results, the website should be hosted on a dependable server. InDigita cannot be held liable for any problems or additional fees caused by third-party server faults.
    • If the client’s website is down due to a server fault, search engines may consider the site unreliable and drop its rating as a result. As a result, if the website is unavailable for more than two (2) days, InDigita may be unable to provide the SEO services specified in the Project Brief and/or agreement. Should the necessity arise, InDigita maintains the right to charge additional fees to meet the client’s requirements.
    • InDigita shall not be held liable for any errors that occur as a result of the client’s website being unavailable for any reason. During this downtime, no traffic sent to the client’s website will be repaid or refunded. The client might ask for InDigita SEO services to be suspended until the issue is remedied. 
    • InDigita requires the client to submit current passwords and user IDs for remote access to the client’s website. InDigita is responsible of keeping the passwords and user IDs secure.
    • The client agrees to provide InDigita with an e-mail address of a technician who can promptly submit desired updates. After the technician has been notified of the upload request, InDigita cannot be held liable for any delays. The client will receive a copy of the request.
    • Should InDigita request it, the client shall offer further reasonable assistance, including, but not limited to, providing source code and any statistical, diagnostic, and other relevant information necessary for InDigita to fulfil its duties under the SEO Proposal.
    • InDigita will work with the required web agency, hosting firm, or other third party as needed to ensure the success of the service.
    • InDigita shall not be liable for any act or omission by the applicable web agency, hosting provider, or other third party that causes InDigita to violate its duties under the SEO Proposal as a result of such act or omission.
    • InDigita will provide advice to the Third Party Company on the website updates that should be made and the content that should be posted to the site. 
    • Adding new content to the website on a regular basis will considerably increase the stability of search engine rankings. By accepting the SEO Proposal, the client acknowledges that regular, unique content is critical to the success of their website ranking on Google’s first page, and that failing to add unique content will reduce the impact of InDigita’s SEO services.
    • The client agrees that InDigita will add links and material to the client’s website as part of their SEO campaign depending on the package chosen by the client. If the client opts out of these additions, the SEO services offered by InDigita will be less effective. 
    • In order to fulfil its obligations under these conditions, the client authorises InDigita to set up, create, and/or maintain relevant accounts with search engines and business directories on behalf of the client.
    • The client understands that search engines use their own algorithms and ranking variables to rank webpages.
    • Some search engines make advantage of larger search engines’ algorithms and services. The client understands that any additions or changes to the website’s listing in any search engine may have an impact on the website’s listing in other non-targeted search engines.
    • Crawling and indexing submitted sites into search engines’ databases can range from hours to months to be crawled and indexed. As part of the SEO services, InDigita cannot guarantee a precise period for indexing. 
    • During the SEO contract period between InDigita and the client, if the client decides to hire a third party (other than InDigita) for SEO, AdWords, Content Writing, Social Media, or Web Designing services, InDigita cannot be held liable for any resulting loss of listings or associated damages.
    • After engaging InDigita SEO services, if the client or any third party makes changes to the website that use unethical SEO techniques to try to achieve high rankings on the Search Engines (such as cloaking, hidden text, keyword stuffing, etc.) or adds pharmaceutical, gambling, or pornographic links to the website that have no relevance to the website, InDigita will issue a 7-day cancellation request. If the problematic practices are not eliminated within that period, InDigita will immediately terminate the existing contract and retain all fees owed to InDigita. InDigita will not be held liable for any consequences resulting from the client’s or a third party’s usage of unethical methods.
    • At any time, search engines can change their policies, algorithms, or rankings. This may change what can be accomplished, and InDigita cannot be held liable. 
    • InDigita is under no obligation to accept the cancellation of services or the cancellation of orders that were placed improperly. 
    • By means of the Project Brief, InDigita guarantees that the services will, at the time of delivery, match to the description provided by InDigita.
    • The client accepts that InDigita is not responsible for any failure to provide services due to circumstances beyond its control.
    • The client agrees that InDigita is not responsible for any service interruptions caused by illness or holiday.
    • InDigita is not responsible for any consequences or financial losses resulting from services given, including, but not limited to, loss of business, profit, revenue, contract, data, or potential savings.
    • The client acknowledges that it is their obligation to comply with all laws and taxes that apply to Internet e-commerce, and that they will indemnify and defend InDigita against any claim, action, penalty, tax, or tariff coming from the client’s use of the Internet.
    • InDigita may from time to time advise a client that their website requires modifications in order to comply with new regulations, software developments, and web standards, among other things. InDigita maintains the right to charge separately for any updates. The customer accepts that InDigita is not responsible for any failure to notify or apply these changes to their website. The client agrees to defend, indemnify, save, and hold InDigita harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, expenses, damages, and claims resulting from the client’s failure to notify or implement these updates.
    • InDigita is not liable if a search engine rejects or excludes URLs or web pages for any reason.
    • InDigita cannot guarantee the client that their website will get a top ranking or a first page ranking with any search engines.